Course Description
This 3-hour class will review the Biological Model of Trauma, how trauma affects people, and how practitioners of therapeutic bodywork can most effectively work with individuals who are affected by trauma. Participants will learn about the neurological basis of trauma in the autonomic nervous system and how to recognize signs of trauma in their clients. We will explore Trauma Resourcing in depth: specific verbal and energetic approaches as well as bodywork techniques for working with trauma-based dysfunction in the body. Participants will have the opportunity to practice in class.
Participants will receive 3 units of Elective or Study Group credit toward Ortho-Bionomy Training Programs and 3 NCBTMB CEs.
Open to all
Tuition: $50 before March 1, 2020; $65 after March 1, 2020
To register for the workshop, contact:
Bree Schenkel